"The vast majority of our plants are easy to grow in any garden"
We are passionate that a nursery should be a place where plants are propagated, nurtured and grown in natural outdoor conditions. All our herbaceous perennials are grown here on site in Cumbria in Melcourt peat free compost and propagated in our stockbeds, open areas, tunnels and shade houses.
We have three criteria that govern what we grow:
Plants that we love (most important...)
Plants that are reasonably straightforward to propagate using our low tech approach
Plants that will successfully grow in the north west where the winter wet has to be contended with
Every season we introduce new plants to our range of cottage garden plants. We stock a selection of trees (fruit and ornamental), shrubs, climbers and bedding plants and have a huge focus on hardy herbaceous perennials and alpines of which we grow 1000 different types. We produce a large number of plants from seed and the remainder are grown from cuttings taken on the nursery, divided mature plants or 'plug plants'
What we offer will continue to change and grow over years to come to ensure there is always something new and exciting!